The Kriya for Inner Strength

The Kriya for Inner Strength, a transformative practice taught by Yogi Bhajan, empowers individuals to cultivate resilience and fortitude in the face of life’s challenges.

Before you begin:-

Begin by sitting comfortably with a straight spine, either cross-legged on the floor or in a chair. Bring the hands into Prayer Mudra (palms pressed together at the centre of the chest) and close the eyes.

Breath:- Inhale deeply through the nose, filling the lungs, and exhale slowly and fully.

Repeat this deep breathing pattern for 3-11 minutes, focusing on the breath and allowing the mind to become still.

To End:-

Bring the hands to the sides of the body with palms facing up, as if receiving energy from the universe. Visualize a golden light surrounding and protecting you, filling you with strength and courage.


Hold this visualization for a few moments before returning the hands to Prayer Mudra..

Inhale, exhale chant a long Saaaat & a short Nam

Relax for 3-5 min

The Kriya for Inner Strength fortifies the spirit, instils confidence, and imbues practitioners with the inner resilience needed to navigate life’s obstacles with grace and determination.

Published by

Hari Das

Hari Das also known as Mary-Anne teaches both Kundalini and Hatha Yoga in Baulkham Hills (Norwest, Sydney), NSW, Australia. Hari Das is Mary-Anne's spiritual name. Hari Das facilitats Yoga Classes, Workshops, Retreats and is a qualified Reiki Master who practices Sat Nam Rasayan, a Kundalini Healing modality. Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness, was brought to the west by Yogi Bhajan in 1968. Yogi Bhajan taught that, through the practice of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, your glandular and nervous systems are stimulated, and your capacity for creative potential is heightened. Hatha Yoga is traditional Yoga which improves flexibilty, increases strength, heightens awareness and brings clarity. Alignment and Breathing are strong parts of the teaching style. Variations of postures are offered for all levels of practise.